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Known Facts (10)
Relic Hunters (5) »
Illusions (5) »
- Used SSK Heavy Blaster (L9)
- Used Triple-bladed Energy Knife
- Wore Stealth Field Generator
- Interacted with (dialog)
Dialog transcript |
TyrodallWhy'd you have to go and kill everybody? Some of those guys were alright.VoidhoundI'm here for the planetary core samples. Hand them over.Tyrodall"Planetary core samples"... right. You work for Beryl Thorne, don't you? That's what I used to do. The name's Tyrodall. I was helping Beryl smuggle artifacts off Taris disguised as core samples. Thought we'd get rich. Turns out, Beryl's a soft touch. Instead of selling what we smuggle on the Imperial market, Beryl gives relics to descendants of Taris survivors for a tiny "finder's fee." Ridiculous. It's dangerous work, and we should be earning a killing.VoidhoundThere's an Imperial market on Taris?TyrodallNo, but high-ups in Imperial space pay big credits for Taris artifacts. They're status symbols. I let Beryl think rakghouls killed me and went into business with the scavengers. They had a bright idea to increase profits. Why sell a relic to the Imperials once when we can sell it a dozen times? These droids are making copies of the relics. And that's just the beginning. I'm working out deals with wealthy collectors all over the galaxy.VoidhoundThese droids can forge counterfeits?TyrodallThey can recreate a relic down to the last detail. The copies are flawless.VoidhoundYou'll get yourself killed crossing the Empire.TyrodallBy the time my buyers figure things out, I'll be far, far away from Imperial space. Let's be smart about this. I'll give you a hefty payout and a cargo pod of counterfeit relics if you keep my operation quiet. You go home richer, Beryl gets some "relics" to give away and I stay in business. What do you say?VoidhoundI think she deserves better than to be cheated by you.TyrodallOh, well. Guess we finish this the hard way. Droids! Code black! |
- Voidhound, Corso Riggs
- Was killed by Voidhound's Followers
Tyrodall was a male Devaronian | DevaronianSentient Species | smuggler | SmugglerOrganizationCommunities | who lived during the Cold War | The Cold WarEventCold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY) | .A partner of Beryl Thorne | Beryl Thorne(Human)CharacterMinor Characters (TOR) | , together they came | Relic HuntersEventCold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY) | to Taris | TarisPlanet | in search of the pre-bombardment | Destruction of TarisEventJedi Civil War | artifacts. They manage to uncover some artifacts and find a way to smuggle them past Republic blockade, but Tyrodall soon grew tired of Beryl's naivety. Instead of selling all artifacts on the black market, she would return the relics to the descendants of former Tarisian residents for a much smaller fee. Not content with the loss of profits, Tyrodall faked his death at the claws of the rakghouls | RakghoulCreatureNon-sentient | and started to work with the Death's Claw | Death's ClawOrganizationPlanetary and Sector | pirates | PirateOrganizationCommunities | . He directed his new partners to Ovold | Ovold(Zabrak)CharacterMinor Characters (TOR) | , an engineer | EngineerMiscellaneousRoles | and scavenger | ScavengerMiscellaneousRoles | who worked for Beryl, and pirates raided Ovold's warehouse several times, stealing his equipment and relics.Tyrodall was resourceful and came up with a plan to make his business even more profitable - he ordered two droids | PD-A01 Assassin DroidDroidOld Republic Assassin Droid classes | to begin copying the relics with enough quality to allow Tyrodall to sell them as originals. He established his base operatives in the ChemWorks area of the Brell Sediment region, inside an old Rasaaran Storage Facility guarded by pirates.Eventually however, his hideout was discovered | IllusionsEventCold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY) | and he was confronted by Voidhound | VoidhoundCharacterMajor Characters | and Corso Riggs | Corso Riggs(Human)CharacterSupporting Characters | , who killed him in the following firefight.Read more... |
See also |
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Known for his collaborations with the following individuals or organizations
Known weaponry & equipment
Known armor & apparel
Stealth Field Generator |
All characters this character met
VoidhoundIllusions |
Corso RiggsIllusions |
Argo (AR-G0)Relic Hunters |
OvoldRelic Hunters |
Beryl ThorneRelic Hunters |
Complete list
Full unit name: Tyrodall Last updated: 25.08.2024 13:53:43